【S4493】[BerndSoft / Drazgar] Bernd und das Rätsel um Unteralterbach 2.5

游戏的剧情发生在当今的德国巴伐利亚州。 24岁的男主是个(学生)尼特社交障碍者,他在山区小镇恩特拉特巴赫开始了新的生活。他被迫在当地警察局找了个工作工作,并协助调查一个性犯罪团伙。 而很快的主角发现他将陷入更为复杂的处境。



Quick disclaimer: This is NOT Re-Mixed or any other redone or somehow severely altered version of the original game that may be (or may have been) in the making.

The initial goal of this version was to add a new translation, but after spending some time around the people from Re-Mixed team I have decided to go deeper and upgrade the game – while carefully preserving the OG made by BerndSoft team in its glory.

There are two versions to choose from:
Legacy version, this one is built using the old Ren’Py (6.18.3) and only includes basic improvements.
Upgraded version, the original game was ported to a newer Ren’Py version (8.1.1).
v. 2.5 Release Notes:
1. Some general typos fixed (for both English and German).
2. Rewired translation system (making it possible to correctly use more than two languages).
3. Implemented Russian translation (no Spanish at this moment, my apologies).
4. Reworked and finished the “Typing” dialogue prompt code that is used during the battle with Ursula. Now it actually works correctly for every language in the game (also making it possible to trigger the special Game Over). You will see “tippt” for German, “typing” for English, “ввод” for Russian.
5. Slight original code optimization to make it more efficient.
6. (2.5D) Upgraded Ren’Py from 6.18.3 to 8.1.1. This transition also fixed some inherent bugs like the cropped fullscreen scaling and inability to make screenshots when certain system languages are used.



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《【S4493】[BerndSoft / Drazgar] Bernd und das Rätsel um Unteralterbach 2.5》上有11条评论

  1. 这没得中文有点难受,用TsubakiTranslator捕捉不到,VNR直接打不开,所以无福消受咯

    1. 这游戏一般怎么汉化呢,我有点想汉化这个。但不清楚具体该怎么做…

    1. 我反而觉得冯德莱恩游戏里面还漂亮了一些,现实里面看那个老巫婆的外貌和发言咋瞅着咋别扭……

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